Bug-A-Salt 3.0 Gold Digger
- Keng Akkuen néideg
- Keng gëfteg fléien Spray
- Fuert Mécken a kenger Zäit ewech
- Perfekt Cadeau Iddi
- Iwwer 50.000 super Rezensiounen
We take your money when you’re in need!
Yeah, flies a triflin’ pest indeed!
Here’s our GOLD DIGGER… Shoo fly, go’n down get down.
Protect your caviar, yacht club, and Bentley with our new, limited edition GOLD DIGGER 3.0 featuring Fiber Optic sighting.
Don’t let the local hotties in your neighborhood know about this one or they might end up like flies on shit. Joking aside, this fully blinged-out gilded beauty will impress. Works well in all conditions and is ideal (optic fibers filter ambient light) for poorly lit horse stables, airport hangers, or 12 car garages. GOLD DIGGER 3.0 features all the bells and whistles such as rapid fire, cross-bolt safety, and greatly increased odds for in-flight take down. Summon your inner Floyd Mayweather, keep up with the KARDASHIANS, and live like LIBERACE in his golden years = Leave no fly left alive!
Updated Features:
- Green & Red fiber optic sights for enhanced accuracy in low-light settings.
- New, limited edition GOLD finish.
- Cross-bolt safety! Once it’s on, it’s on. Once it’s off, it’s off. Feel free to rapid fire, folks!
- Sleek design has streamlined the feel of the gun. It’s like butter on toast.
- Updated engineering on trigger mechanism. It’s now VERY light – so be careful! Keep away from children, pets & idiots.
- Improved, more durable salt hopper makes tactical reloads easy during the heat of battle.
- Stronger spring creates a tighter salt pattern.
- Non-toxic and no batteries required. Uses ordinary table salt for ammo.
- Recommended for soft-bodied insects: common houseflies, mosquitos, pest/poisonous spiders, small – large (but not XL) roaches, lantern flies, cabbage worms, earwigs and moths.
- For use by responsible people only. Do not shoot at pets, butterflies, kittens, or humans.
- Includes 1-year warranty, limited 2-year warranty with proof of purchase.
Liwwerung an 2-4 Aarbechtsdeeg bannent Däitschland (4-8 fir de Rescht vun der EU)
All Bug-A-Salt ass berechtegt fir eng voll 2-Joer Garantie géint Feeler oder Mängel. Mir stinn dorop.
Bug-A-Salt ass nëmme fir Erwuessener 18+. Beim Kaf averstanen Dir eis Sécherheetspolitik
Kann ech eppes anescht wéi Salz am Bug-A-Salt benotzen?
NEE! D'Benotzung vun anere Substanzen wäert Problemer mat Ärer Waff Ursaach.
D'Benotzung vun anere Substanzen wäert d'Garantie ongëlteg.
Ass d'Waff geféierlech?
Nee, nëmmen Mëssbrauch: schéisst kee Mënsch an d'Gesiicht oder d'Aen.
Behandelt et mat Respekt wéi Dir all Feierwaff géift. Et penetréiert net an d'Haut oder beschiedegt d'Miwwelen net.
Wéi eng Zort Salz benotzt Dir?
Allgemeng Dësch Salz aus Ärem lokale Supermarché.
Wäert d'Salz d'Mouch zerbriechen?
Nee, d'Mouch bleift ganz fir einfach Entsuergung.
Wéi vill Salz schéisst d'Waff?
Eng Prise Salz.
Wat wann meng Waff brécht?
Wann d'Problembehandlung net hëlleft, hutt Dir Gléck! De Lorenzo steet bei eisem Produkt a mir huelen eis 2-Joer Garantiepolitik géint Fabrécksfehler eescht.
Wann d'Waff méi wéi 2 Joer al ass, maache mir eist Bescht op Fall zu Fall fir zefridden ze stellen eis
W.e.g. demontéiert Är BUG-A-SALT net oder maacht eppes domm wéi Sand dran setzen, well dëst eis Garantiepolitik ongëlteg mécht.
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Schéckt eis eng E-Mail op bugasaltde@macvad.com an iergendeen mellt Iech sou séier
wéi méiglech.
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